ESGAR and Research
The field of radiology in general, and ESGAR in particular, have always depended on pioneering individuals and institutions to further its art and science. State-of-the-art research—together with outstanding clinical radiological skills—have always put radiology and radiologists at the forefront of modern medical care, from the discovery of Roentgen rays (X-Rays) and understanding of their interaction with soft tissue and hard metals over the implementation and development of time-resolved MR studies to the knowledge that medical images provide more than the initial visual impression.
As an international professional and scientific society, ESGAR strongly encourages its members to contribute to this advancement and to healthcare in general. In ESGAR’s vision, research provokes critical-thinking and develops problem-solving skills. It enhances our visibility both within academic circles and amongst the wider healthcare community. Research appeals to the brightest residents, fellows and staff radiologists. It attracts industry support and governmental funds, and influences healthcare financing.
In the light of this vision, ESGAR provides research training at its annual meetings and courses and gives guidance for residency programs, as trainees are the Principal Investigators of the future. Radiologists (trainees) should be encouraged to engage in and start research projects during their professional lives. Both basic and clinical research is beneficial, especially the translation of one into the other: “bench to bedside”. At the ESGAR annual meeting, this translation is facilitated by the scientific sessions where scientists meet clinicians.
ESGAR provides an online research platform to foster imaging research in gastrointestinal and abdominal radiology that includes:
- Agenda: relevant conferences & courses (ESGAR annual meeting & workshops, ESR, RSNA)
- Journal watch: synopsis of research publications and main findings
- Research map: who does what in which city / country (work in progress)
- Affiliations with partner societies (e.g. ESR and UEG)
Also you can find details on the following here:

The role of the ESGAR Research Committee is to initiate, coordinate and oversee the production and progress of ESGAR guidelines through to their completion and publication.

Rising Star
The Rising Star Award is a recognition award to acknowledge promising young abdominal radiology researchers.

ESGAR currently offers a Research Fellowship Programme, a Junior Research Mentorship Starter Programme and supports a Visiting PhD Student Programme.

Seed Grants
The ESGAR Research Committee is proud to present the ESGAR Seed Grants for Junior Researchers, which aims to support European research projects in abdominal imaging for ESGAR members younger than 40 years.
The Research Map
The ESGAR Research Map aims to interconnect ESGAR members by improving the visibility of research lines and topics of ESGAR members in various European institutions. Details provided include principal investigator(s), research topic(s) and departmental websites / personal contact details, where available.
By clicking on an institution, a box will appear containing the details described above. To search for your topic of interest in the Research Map, you first need to enlarge the map using the ‘view larger map’ icon in the top-right corner of the map below. In the enlarged map, you can click on the magnifying glasses in the top-left panel to start searching.
The map not only holds the research sites but has an optional layer to visualise the ESGAR PhD exchange programme. To do so, click on ‘show/hide side bar’ icon in the top-left corner of the map below and select the desired layers.
If you have any inquiry regarding the Research Map, please email the
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