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life long learning

ESGAR e-Education Portal

Welcome to the ESGAR e-Education Portal which aims to facilitate web-based learning for ESGAR members and deliver high quality multimedia educational material covering the fields of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal radiology. The platform reflects and builds on the longstanding aims of the Society. Materials are regularly updated and new multi-modality features are planned including webinars/webcasts and on-line courses. Look out for updates on the ESGAR website. We very much hope that you enjoy the new ESGAR e-Education portal and welcome feedback in order to further improve your e-learning experience.

e-Education Portal

Case of the Month


The ESGAR tool is updated monthly and currently includes moderated cases from the EuroRad database, a significant number of which are of relevance to the European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR). They are modified to serve as quiz cases and present a specific teaching point relevant in clinical practice. These quiz cases are equally suited for advanced residents preparing for their board examination and for consultant radiologists.

Participate in the challenge!

Share a case

If members have an interesting case which may be suitable for publication, please e-mail the Central ESGAR Office and your case might be the one published!

Share a case!

Case of the Month Winners 2024

Congratulations to the Case of the Month Winners, who scored at 100% and answered all questions correctly:

Journal Watch

March 2023

Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation of Hepatobiliary...
Journal Watch by Benedetta Masci

February 2023

Transient severe motion artifacts on gadoxetic acid–enhanced MRI...
Journal Watch by Jose F. Melo Villamarín

January 2023

Clinical, Imaging, and Pathologic Features of Conditions...
Journal Watch by Christos Korres

December 2022 (2)

Influence of dilution on arterial-phase artifacts...
Journal Watch by Giulia Tomelleri

December 2022 (1)

Liver stiffness measurement by magnetic resonance elastography is not affected by hepatic steatosis

Journal Watch by…

November 2022 (2)

Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) complications: what diagnostic radiologists should know


November 2022 (1)

Emerging imaging techniques for acute pancreatitis

Journal Watch by Ioannis Christofilis

October 2022 (2)

Systematic review and meta-analysis of MRI features for differentiating autoimmune pancreatitis from pancreatic…

Journal Watch - February 2020

January 2020

CT and MR perfusion techniques to assess diffuse liver disease

Journal Watch by Dr. Ekaterini Xinou

Young ESGAR e-Academy

In 2022 Young ESGAR has launched their webinar series. The aim of the e-Academy is to provide residents and young radiologists with educational lectures and case presentations on different topics held by Young ESGAR members and moderated by one experienced ESGAR Faculty. During the 60 minutes webinar attendees are invited to interact with the faculty through multiple choice questions and Q&A time.

The e-Academy will be live streamed in a Zoom Webinar format and the registration is free of charge for ESGAR Members

Kindly note that the first two webinars per year are also accessible for Non Members.

The upcoming Young ESGAR e-Academy Webinars are

March 19, 2025- 17:30 CET
Ethics and good practices in scientific publications and editorialism
Moderator: D. Tolan, Leeds/UK
Speaker: P. Rodríguez Carnero, Madrid/ES

(ESGAR Members only)

Registration   CME

April 23, 2025- 17:30 CET
CT and DECT in the small bowel ischemia
Moderator: M. Zins, Paris/FR
Speaker: M. Oberparleiter, Basel/CH

(ESGAR Members only)

May 28, 2025- 17:30 CET
Noninvasive imaging biomarkers in chronic liver disease
Moderator: F. Vernuccio, Palermo/IT
Speaker: C. Maino, Milan/IT

(ESGAR Members only)

June 11, 2025- 17:30 CET
When spleen is the key: how to reach a diagnose
Moderator: M. Radzina, Riga/LV
Speaker: G. Porrello, Palermo/IT

(ESGAR Members only)

The following future Young ESGAR e-Academy Webinars are planned

Young ESGAR anatomy e-Tutorials

In 2020 Young ESGAR launched their anatomy e-Tutorials. The aim of the e-Tutorials is to provide you with short and to the point educational videos that offer an effective learning experience that is also fun to watch. For each e-Tutorial we have summarised the main learning points in a short PDF file. The first three of our e-Tutorials (focussing on anatomy of the rectum, liver & hepatobiliary tract, and peritoneum) were broadcasted during the ESGAR virtual meeting in May 2020. The last tutorial on the GI Tract was broadcasted during the virtual ESGAR meeting in 2021.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for potential topics to be included in future Young ESGAR e-tutorials, or would like to become a member of Young ESGAR and help us develop them, please contact us via


You can find our currently available e-Tutorial videos and PDFs below:

GI Tract - imaging anatomy
ESGAR 2021


Corresponding summary PDF


Liver - imaging anatomy
ESGAR 2020


Corresponding summary PDF

Peritoneum - imaging anatomy
ESGAR 2020


Corresponding summary PDF

Rectum - imaging anatomy
ESGAR 2020


Corresponding summary PDF